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Georgina works with highly creative and driven business owners to expand their impact and income through energetic and spiritual practises.

During her workshop, you will experience real-time shifts in how you think and feel about money and your ability to access your fullest potential within your business.

One of Georgina's most powerful gifts is that just by BEING in her energy you will feel a new activation around your ability to express yourself more authentically and, dare I say... SHAMELESSLY!

She is permission personified and in her workshop you will get an opportunity to witness demos and take part in group EFT Tapping and Emotional Clearing.

Georgina is one of only a handful of certified practitioners in a modality called emotional clearing which is based in kinesiology and uses your energetic field to swiftly and precisely remove energetic and emotional trauma from the body enabling you to move forward in your life and business unencumbered by the subconscious weight that's been holding you back.

This workshop is sure to be powerful and Georgina will pull no punches. Get ready to release all that holds you back and be propelled forward into unapologetic success.


If you don't have your event ticket yet grab them now and add your one-to-one session with Georgina to your basket during checkout!


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